
About Us

At HG Technology we may well be experts in providing cloud-based solutions to meet a specific need but we’re all about the outcome and the value we bring. We are results-driven both in terms of the technology we implement and the relationships we build, partnering our clients over the long term as a business evolves and grows.
Whilst initially our focus was on helping property companies, today we work with organisations across a variety of sectors from professional services to financial institutions and pharmaceutical companies.
We believe that an equal blend of integrity and product independence and knowledge underpin the longevity of our client partnerships. This and a philosophy to always seek out the best solution for the customer, not the most profitable for us. It is why we often steer clients away from bespoke applications in favour of us tailoring an existing product and making it work harder and smarter for them.
Whatever the remit, no matter the size or scope of the project, we are a close-knit team who share the same values and approach each client the same way, the HG Technology way which you can read more about.

Our Approach


Our team have a mix of older and experienced and younger with great new ideas. We collaborate as a team and bounce ideas off each other to create an approach that is refreshing and different.


We keep customers. There can be lots of claims about honesty, but the measure is by other people, talk to our customers, hopefully they don’t just stay for our excellent service, our effort to go the extra mile, our ability to understand the issues and our value money. Also we charge by 15 minute intervals and provide a time report for all work done.


We do what we do, we don’t try and do what we can’t do. We can do a lot, but if we aren’t the best option we will say so.

Our People


Sales Support

Back office and research into new business opportunities

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